Monday, September 29, 2014

9/29 project

1. The article I found is on the Boston globe. It states how hospital patients have many rights but the nurses and doctors seem to have none. It says in recent surveys that like over half of them have been physically assaulted and all of them have been verbally assaulted. Its show how the bill of rights is not being shown to theses hard working men and women.

2.The next article I found was actually to maybe add an amendment. It was saying how spending by the president is ridiculous.  This could be the next amendment to cap spending on this dumb stuff. I believe this is smart cause we could be spending our money else where.

3.The first court case I found was on the second amendment. It dealt with 4 cases being presented to the government but they turned down 3. Now the fourth one was still up in the air about gun control in new jersey. People are wanting to ban it because there is not a need for it but well see how court goes.

4. This case I found was a civil case that turning bad for the federal judge. she made a bad call and is now paying for it. This could cost her jail time and she is definitely loosing her job.

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