Monday, September 29, 2014


they are protesting no instagram. and the rights are speech and they cant protest theses are just 2 that I saw as people were getting tear gased when they were not aloud to pro test

9/29 project

1. The article I found is on the Boston globe. It states how hospital patients have many rights but the nurses and doctors seem to have none. It says in recent surveys that like over half of them have been physically assaulted and all of them have been verbally assaulted. Its show how the bill of rights is not being shown to theses hard working men and women.

2.The next article I found was actually to maybe add an amendment. It was saying how spending by the president is ridiculous.  This could be the next amendment to cap spending on this dumb stuff. I believe this is smart cause we could be spending our money else where.

3.The first court case I found was on the second amendment. It dealt with 4 cases being presented to the government but they turned down 3. Now the fourth one was still up in the air about gun control in new jersey. People are wanting to ban it because there is not a need for it but well see how court goes.

4. This case I found was a civil case that turning bad for the federal judge. she made a bad call and is now paying for it. This could cost her jail time and she is definitely loosing her job.

Friday, September 26, 2014

8/26/14 bellringer

 I believe that it is so low because of the type of jobs around here. we dont need four years to do the job. i think we should lower the cost. the low percentage to me tells me not many people are pushing them to go to collage.

bellringer 9/22

I believe that some 16 year old could vote but most are not mature enough. Most kids don't know enough about the government at that age either. I think that at 18 most kids don't know enough. I think you should have to take a simple government test to be able to vote.

bellringer 9/24

I personally dont agree with this new policy. I think for places like moe's its gonna hurt business. I believe that its someone owns choice to smoke and they should do it when ever they want. And it should be the establishments choices too.

Friday, September 19, 2014

Bell Ringer 9-18-14

This article lets you fill the shoes of the ISIS leader. As you read down the article you come to know everything that has been done and how big ISIS really is. Beheading three captives, having your group be as big as Pennsylvania, and wanting to hit the US. No one understands the actions we should take on this threat to our country.

Friday, September 12, 2014

My view on this ISIS is that their a bunch of tards. They are just a bunch of panzies running around like they are big. I wish America would not be a big puss cat and go just kill them already. Just pull the trigger. My reaction is just really I don't care. Our country has bigger issues than some wanna be terrorist.

Monday, September 8, 2014

 Fred mayer may seem  like a quiet old man but he has a awesome past. He was a ww2 spy. He is still getting around despite of his age and still lives in charles town, wv. He lives  a happy and healthy life and still mows his girlfriends lawn.

Friday, September 5, 2014


I believes these towers pose a threat cause they could steal vital information. I think the reason they are near military bases are to help block and detect any threat that could happen. Its a way people can hear what were saying. I believe the government is behind this because they really want to take away our privacy. Its stupid how they can do that and I think they should stop and think about the people here. WE don't want no trouble its Obama that is causing this all.

Thursday, September 4, 2014

bellringer 9/3

 My take on it was that he was using this bad situation to his benefit. So the people recognized it and he has been accused. He threatened her to step down on he would take away funding and the funding he was going to take away was a program that she ran that investigated public official. So he could protect him self and get rid of something he didn't like in one step. I personally do not agree with his reasoning but he is very smart.

Wednesday, September 3, 2014


artical 1 tells about the legislative  branches of the government their names and power.
2 tells about the executive branch and their powers and positions.
3establishes the last of the three branches of government, the Judiciary
4 tells about the states and their territories
5 is about the changing of the Constitution
6 tells about our country and what it should do even though is doesn't
7 tells about the ratification and acceptance of the constitution 


I think this is a dumb idea. Yes nail polish that would help detect drugs would be nice for women but its not all guys. Yes I get there is some screwed up people in this world but look at our high school. All girl arnt angels they put themselves out there do something they don't like then blame some one else. Plus this nail polish will only work til they change the drug again.


Syria may be planing something bad against one of its sister country's. A war could go down and the U.S is trying to prevent it from happening. Obama is try to keep peace as he said in one of his conferences but i think he needs to keep his nose out of it.
 This earthquake that hit the bay part of California was huge. It measured a six on the rictor scale. They have not seen one this big since 1989 that was a 6.9. The clean up is going well and they hope to have everything better soon. All in all estimates of 100 million dollars of damage.

Earth quakes like this one are caused by movement in tectonic plates. The more movement the bigger the shake. The reason California has so many in because the plate it is under is moving in opposite directions as the North American one. California is evidently going to break off and go toward Hawaii.  

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

I think that these hacking is very possible. There is a lot of very smart people out there. It show that if they can do this to celebrates they can do it to anyone. I don't really think before i do that stuff i don't really care its my opinion. Honestly, they should be in trouble because of rights but i dont care if they do or not.